

It astonishes me what amazing things Ivey's little body endures on a daily basis, let alone what she triumphs over on a grander scheme.  Sometimes sitting in the doctors' offices I have to look at her body to remember all of the procedures, medications and trauma that are filed away in each and every scar on her sweet little body.  Locked away in those scars that she physically carries are memories that only her daddy and I can recount on a very sacred level.  They hold treasures that are culminating two boys - her brothers.  Not many people understand the true beauty of her scars.  No matter, that's what they are ..... beautiful.

It takes a very strong person with a deep since of self to carry such scars.  And she smiles as she tells her story about each and every one, without ever uttering a word.

True Beauty is this...

Monday night before the surgery we took a 'few' pictures of Ivey and the boys.  Pre-surgery pictures ..

 Walker 'signing' his name sign to Ivey.
 Knox 'signing' his name sign to her.

Sunday's post-surgery pictures.  Same beautiful smile.

 A little game of 'Indian'.

And the forever game of peek-a-boo.


She is still swollen and bruised.  Improving each day.  The stitches will dissolve in a couple of weeks.  The spot behind the stitches on her right side is where the drain tube was in place.  Officially the neurosurgeon removed three pieces of skull bone.  The cranial facial surgeon secured the skull with plastic plates.  Once the swelling and bruising is completely subsided, Ivey's head circumference will literally be centimeters larger, plenty of room for more brain growth. She is doing great and re-cooping so well.  And as always, she is beautiful - with one more beauty mark - to tell her tale about just another ordinary miracle.


Andrea said...

Absolutely! She is more than beautiful...she is a gift. Thank you for sharing the pics. I sat here and cried looking at your sweet man loving on her just the same way Shep loves on our girl.. Praise God things are going so well with her! Hope to see you soon!

Paula said...

She is so beautiful!! I am so glad that she is smiling and happy, Gwen! :) Prayers will be continually sent your way for even more improvement in her progress! Thank you for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

That is a big incision! She is amazing!

Abby said...

I'm so glad that the procedure went well, and that she's recovering now. Thanks for sharing the photos, your kiddos are so cute!

KrisKay said...

When I grow up, I wanna be just like Ivey.

Heather said...

Momma's beautiful girl.

The pictures of Ivey and the boys,made me cry,for in those photos I see such deep and abiding love,that most people will never have the privilege to experience,ever.I often see the same images replayed in my home daily.

Love to you all and kisses to the amazing,courageous Miss Ivey.

Sheila said...

Wow, she looks like she is doing great! I'm thrilled beyond all get out! :o)
And how great that she got to keep her hair. Love the smile. What a Super Trouper you have there!

tekeal said...

yes, what a trooper, that beautiful girl is! and a beautiful family which exudes such courage and love. thank you for sharing...

Shannon said...

I am glad to hear that Ivey is doing better today and that the swelling has gone down a bit. Seeing her little scar just makes me ache for her. I am glad she has such amazing parents. Here's to another night of good rest for all of you.
PS: I loved it when you said it took some time for ALL of you to recover but that you do it TOGETHER. How awesome!
Much love to you all,
Shannon in Austin

Hex said...

Wow, this is terrific. I'm glad she came out all right after having her head fussed with (even though this is old news now). She's an inspiration. Go, Ivey! _\,,/

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