
Unwritten Profound Nonsense

Ivey turned 10 in April.  Originally, in April, I sat down to "write" some profound letter.  But as you can see, it is now almost the end of June and said profound nonsense is still not written.   Year 10 was a HUGE milestone with many many many miles under our feet, but the profound was acknowledging that we made it to some invisible finish-line I didn't even know existed.

The birthday marked an actual click in my brain, a pivot, an open door of new, somewhat like the one on her first birthday.

I sat down to tell you all of the many amazing revelations acquired over the past 10 years.  You know, tell you how wise I have become.  Alas, there's not much to tell unless you want to know a lot about pushing through too many hospital stays, surviving 24 hours to make it to the next sunrise and finally, just giving up the warped dream of actually wanting to be a room mom.   I have extensive lists on said topics, and then some.  But as for profound revelations, not so much.  Just how to survive.....in multiple arenas.

Just pray - and keep your eyes on the finish-line.  Only thing is, you have to figure out what the finish line is first.   That is my unsolicited unwritten profound nonsense.

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