

Still in the PICU today - but it sounds like we will be moving out onto the floor soon.  Ivey had a really rough night.  Her morphine was bumped to every hour and still she was hurting and restless.  She would doze for fewer than ten minutes at a time.  The swelling has increased immensely and the bandages have been removed.  It is hard to imagine how she will look once the swelling subsides.  They prepared us best they could for her appearance and honestly I thought I had this under control.  After all, she was swollen after the trach once upon a time - and I honestly thought that had subsided the shock value of seeing her sweet face swollen.  This is much different. 

Nonetheless, she is doing well today.  Pain has been better.  And she made it through a surgery that as the neurosurgeon said 'will not be a cakewalk for Ivey'.  She did it.  And we can exhale - a little - for now.


Barbie @ Mamaology said...

praying for you and your precious Ivey.

Heather said...

Keep breathing momma and we will keep praying that Ivey blows that joint in no time at all, in true Ivey,amazing fashion!

Anonymous said...

I cant imagine what you are going through. You and Ivey have been in my thoughts x

Sheila said...

Still out here thinking of you constantly. Hopefully you'll find a new door opening soon, and will get out of this hallway. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Thank you forthe update. Youare in my thoughts and prayers. Okie Nana

KrisKay said...

Sending mucho good juju your way!!
I'm glad that she is under a little less pain. I pray for a peaceful night for you guys.

Andrea said...

Hugging you from here. God is holding you and your precious little angel...

Debbie's L'Bri said...

Praying for you and your family. I haven't been on blogging for almost 2 months. YOu are a very special family. I will keep praying for you.

Paula said...

Sending many prayers your way from Canton! And TONS of love!

HOA Mgr Lady said...

What a trooper. Best of wishes to both Ivy and her family. Hugs all around.

Anonymous said...

God will help.
Hope you can rest in that tonight :)

We love you all!
Jill - for the Ib family

Shannon said...

May Ivey rest comfortably tonight. Thank you for keeping us updated on her progress.
The Bests in Austin, Texas
PS: Ivey's hair is PRECIOUS!

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