
She's Back --

Look familiar? 
Today Ivey had a terrible seizure.  After approximately a hour and fifteen minutes of non-stop seizing -even after Diastat- the great team at Floyd finally got her under control.  They are a pretty amazing group of people. 

Now Ivey has been admitted over night into Scottish Rite to try and nail things down.  Just moved from the ER onto the floor. Feels like a second home.

Just when it feels like we have these crazy seizures tamed - wham - they rare up again in full force.  Despite that - Ivey has some amazing little angels in her life.....her brothers.  Today this one hit mid-afternoon.  Ivey's brothers are aged well beyond their years - almost too responsible, grabbing the Diastat, lugging the suction machine, helping pack up the car.  Not to mention Ivey's other angels that took the boys, rearranging plans, literally in a moments notice.  The one who sat with her in the ER.  And the angel that she asks for even when he's not there - her Daddy. 

We (Ivey and I) love you all very much and miss you.  Ivey is sleeping sound.  The nurses and respiratory therapist just wrapped up meds, so hopefully I am heading for a nap.  Looks like there  is an infection so they started an antibiotic via IV. Hopefully she will be home tomorrow.

In the meantime....

I really hope the Tooth Fairy doesn't forget to visit Knox tonight.....he pulled another tooth today.   


Heather said...

Praying for our sweet,sweet Ivey and hoping so, that you are home before long.

Much love from California.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all xxx

Anonymous said...

Seizures SUCK completely... Thinking of you. Hope Ivey is home soon x

Andrea said...

I hate this for ya'll. My prayers are lifting you all up. Pray you get a special unexpecting blessing today~

Andrea said...

I hate this! I am praying for you and sweet girl. I just want to kiss her. I hope you receive an unexpected blessing today!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh sweet Ivey ... I hope that you are home soon. Seizures royally suck! It seems like we get comfortable without them and then BAM - they knock us from our roosts. I hope the antibiotics clear up her infection and she doesn't have any more seizures any time soon!

KrisKay said...

Bless y'alls hearts. I'm thinking of you guys today.

Be strong little Ivey!

Lori Barfield said...

I can't bear for her to feel bad (or for you to feel bad either for that matter). Will pray for strength, rest and dr's wisdom.

Sheila and Grace said...

Thinking of you both, and hope you are home soon. HUGS!

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