
Ivey and Ava -

Let's try this. Not so grainy?


Debbie's L'Bri said...

Your children are beautiful... God Bless you and them.. I love the laughter.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE The conversation they are having!!!

Heather said...

Perfect.Now I can see their precious faces AND hear their precious voices .again!

Jessica Chamness said...

What a great video! I just thought I'd share with you that while I was listening to the video, Jacob started participating in Ivey and Ava's conversation. Apparently they were speaking his language! He's still "talking" to them as I'm typing this! Hope you and your family are doing well.

KrisKay said...

That's awesome!! I love it!

Sibling Secret Sauce

Siblings of kiddos with disabilities are amazing humans walking amongst us. They live a life, most often, in the shadows of their sibling w...