
Spring Sprung and She Gained 4 Pounds

Beep Beep....
Little miss attitude......


Anonymous said...

These photos of Ivey are stunning.. she is beautiful.. Looks like she is enjoying the spring x

Rhonda Miller said...

These are some beautiful pictures. I'm glad she is enjoying the spring.

Debbie's L'Bri said...

She is beautiful. My kids always use to grow in the spring. I think it has to do with going outside.


Heather said...

Four pounds Miss Ivey?Seriously??You are a rockstar.I need to start spiking Miss Zoey's feeds .. holding steady at a whopping 23!And your pictures little girl ... breathtaking.

Now to you my faraway friend... how could I have forgotten you did a crossroads post as well?My problem is,I cannot exactly pinpoint why I am the crossroads just that there is something in the air.A nudging.A feeling.A call to take notice.You and me,connected in some weird,never could explain it way but I find such absolute comfort in it.Irregardless of distance but in my recent moments,I sure wish it were next door.

Hell in the Hallway ... could t be said any more appropriately.and your friend... God knew exactly the timing of her placement in your life,as well as the pillow.

In closing I want to say,I wish that the money tree were in full bloom as I would fly out for a certain little loves birthday ... these pictures just make me want to scoop her up and dance with her.Honestly and truly.

Tammy said...

awww..look how beautiful she is, enjoying her car and being outside!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos!~

Colleen said...

What a sweetie!

KrisKay said...

So precious! I just love those curls!! And 4 pounds, YAY for that!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Our family is so blessed to live across the street from such an adorable little girl! And her parents and brothers aren't too shabby themselves! Love the pics! -Dawn

Jennifer said...

Gwen, I LOVE THESE!!! Precious girl!

Connie Barris said...

she is beautiful...

Anonymous said...

This is my first stop at your blog and I wanted to tell you that your daughter is absolutely beautiful.. Thank you for sharing your honesty when it comes to calling our children retarded. Politically correct or not, its what they are.. Its society that has made it into an ugly hate word..


Dee Dee said...

She is a precious gift.

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