Up on all fours. It is now only a matter of time before she crawls.

The fair 07' - The boys on the Dragon

Ivey's first ride on a pony.
And now for our newest videos.
Ivey is diligently trying to sit on her own. This morning Dee and Walker were doing their best to encourage her.
This is the battle we are trying to win. Ivey loves to fall backward. She thinks it is a game, once she gets this under control she will be sitting on her own. If anyone with a blind child or experience with a blind child has a suggestion that will help us tame this little habit she has, I would love to hear from you.
Hi Gwen!! Ella also LOVED to fall backward while learning to sit up, laughing and giggling like it was the BEST game ever. It made me so nervous!! We started to sit her up against things, like the couch or our little ottoman. Then we would slowly move her away from against the object until she just did not want to fall backwards anymore. It took us awhile for this to happen...it is definitely NOT an overnight thing!! I would also say, "Ugh-Oh" (my saying when she is doing something I don't want her to be doing) really loud when she would try to fall backward and I think that helped her to learn that falling was not a good thing. It will take some time...but look how far Ivey has already come!! I am so encouraged by your latest pictures!! Keep up the great work! With love, Jill
What a BIG GIRL!!! Yeah! I've no expertise in this area but wondering if a boppy would work? I used one with #2 when we were trying to get him to sit up since it did offer a smidget of stability. However, Ivey sure did look like she was having fun falling back. :)
What a turkey!!!
No suggestion on the falling backwards as I didn't know of my children's visual impairments that young. Just want to say I so enjoy reading your blog.
Hi Gwen.
Look at what a big girl Ivey is becoming! Way to go Ivey, sitting up and getting on all fours!
Grace used to love falling backward too, and even now at age 8 still loves flopping backwards onto her bed or onto the couch.
When she was just learning to sit I would just prop her up with a boppy pillow for a little support, and then just made sure she was not near anything hard she could hit her head on when she did flop back. It will just take time.
Way to go Ivey!
Sheila and Grace
I am new to visit your site. I haven't had a chance to view anything from archives...just what I can see on this first page.
So, this suggestion may not work due to size...I haven't checked on that..
Have you ever heard of a Bumbo? You can get them at Target and other baby places. It's a seat that places their behind lower than their legs. I wonder if she had some practice in that for awhile sitting up...with the support on her back...then sitting on her own with a Boppy around her...if it would kind of train her muscles to sit up...and not want to throw back frequently.
Just a suggestion
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