In the beginning Tasha updated you, then it became easier for me to make postings due to the sheer fact there was so much information to sift through. At first, I wanted things sweet and to the point - no emotion involved. Somewhere in the midst of it, my emotions got the best of me. (Not to mention hormones and the three babies, all under the age of three, swarming around my feet!)
Have I mentioned that I have my own little army? Just after Ivey was born a group of friends made their way to the hospital. God sent out a battle call and the troops came for battle. My mom always said, "people will judge you by the company you keep".
-Amazing, I am actually "quoting" my mom.-
I think it may be the other way around. It's the company that keeps me.
My point is this, there is a lighter side to things around here. For example:
- Ivey has her first tooth. That's right, a tooth at three months. I have felt so guilty that nursing her didn't work out like it did with the boys, now there is a reason....Guilt is fading.
- Walker learned his ABC's.
- Walker also learned to carry his stool from the potty around the house to reach virtually anything, including the latch to open the front door (Even if I lock the wood door, Knox unlocks it for him)...If you see a cute blonde in the neighborhood, please return him.
- (Walker's new favorite toy is the cord to the vacuum cleaner....Or hair drier.
- Knox taught Walker the freedom of pee-peeing in the front yard. Sorry Mrs. Bagby.
- Knox has learned how to turn on the suction machine and suction Iv
ey's mouth everytime I turn my head.....He's such a great helper (do you since the sarcasm yet?)
- Knox has mastered the tool of compromise....So he thinks. For example, he told me, "Mommy, I'm going to throw my rope and hit Walker. You don't say 'NO', okay. "
- Knox loves horses. If you own a horse, have looked at a horse or ever mentioned the subject to him, you have made it to his special prayer list...You are being blessed often.
- Walker, on-the-other-hand, does not have a special prayer list. He's too busy eating. However, he will repeat Knox's prayer list at bedtime. You are blessed even more.
- When Ivey's feeding pump beeps, Knox and Walker don't even look up, they just say, "Mommy, go turn Ivey off".
- "Mom, watch this..." always ends in tears. (Dare devil boys.)
- Why do boys (of all ages) find humor in bodily functions? It's a boy thing.
- I may not be able to speak a coherent sentence if you call and I actually answer the phone, but I can repeat every line to the movie Spirit and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
- And the best thing this week, Matt got his Georgia tickets in the mail yesterday....It's like Christmas around here....Go Dawgs!
- And better still, The new house may be ready in time for Walker's birthday....Maybe.
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