
McHenry handicap accessible playground - pictures

November hasn't been completely surrounded by surgery.  Not quite.  Many of Ivey's supporters hopped online for a couple of weeks voting for her school to win a grant from Pepsi.  And win they did, first out of hundreds.  The playground was installed and due to Ivey's surgery being postponed for a week, she got to participate in the fantastic ribbon-cutting ceremony. 

Our entire community came together for this project and then they went out and recruited from other states and countries.  Mrs. Pryor was the engine behind the entire project and everyone owes her their thanks for seeing a need at the school and taking her own action on it. 

Personnally we would like to thank Knox and Walker's school, the entire campus from seniors to pre-k, for getting behind the playground.  I want to thank the Lower School for supporting Knox and Walker. Thank you to the Upper/Middle School for keeping information up on the school's webpage. 

The school's mission statement says this:  To empower students to learn with passion, act with integrity, and serve with respect.  They have served McHenry and with respect. The students have experienced a world that they don't see everyday in their hallways. They embraced Ivey along with Knox and Walker as part of their school.  She has a home at two schools.

You see under normal circumstances Ivey would not be at McHenry.  She would be in the same carpool line sitting waiting on me to pick her up along side her brothers. God had other plans for Ivey, but magically their worlds are bridging together. Some of the students and families realized they were not just helping a nearby school, they were helping one of their own families; they were helping Ivey.  It gave the drive for the playground even more meaning, it became personal. 

Thank you to everyone who casted a vote and made this playground a possibility -

 Knox, Ivey, Ms. Charlotte (Ivey's para) and Walker
 Mrs. Pryor

 Mrs. Cunningham (Our principal)

 Darlington Students

 Our hero

 swing for someone wheelchair bound
 Looks like we have a little growing to do
Thank you everyone!


Colleen said...

Awesome playground. We just got a universal playground in our city last year and we love it!

Heather said...

Amazing.Simply amazing.It does indeed take a village.

Much love from us, to you all and most especially to your hero girl.

Anonymous said...

How fantastic! Thanks for sharing the photos. x

Hex said...

Simply awesome. :)

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