
We are here - they are there

Here being St. Simons. Whoohoo!!!! Matt had a little conference, sooo, we both came down. We keep checking in with the grandparents - they are holding down the fort! Awesomely!!! (They remind us that they too had children and that it is possible for them to 'care' for ours..I remind them that they had two children 8 years apart, and we have three and that our three are within three years .....They never go for that one.)

And Sarah I haven't read but three pages of any of those books.

A big week is in store for Ms. Ivey. At the beginning of the week she is scheduled to weigh in with her pediatrician. Then she will visit her opthamologist for a check-up. Then on Friday she will go for her cleft palate surgery. During this surgery she will have a few other procedures to undergo while under anesthesia. The plastic surgery will repair the palate. The ENT (ear-nose-throat) surgeon will scope her airway to view the deformity. He will also perform another hearing screen. Then the GI (gastro aka stomach) surgeon will go in a switch her G-J tube for a 'button'. Pray that all goes well. This surgery should not be quite so scary this time because she has the trach.

Flashback to this past week. Ivey's J-tube managed to be pulled out twice, which meant two trips to Scottish Rite to radiology for replacement. It is a very simple procedure to replace the tube, but seriously, who wants to strap her to a table more than once? The problem seems to be a very simple one. She is small; therefore, the G-J tube hangs from her stomach down right between her feet. She can push the tube out if her foot pushes on it just the right way. Hopefully, the button will solve this problem.

I must go now - I must walk down to the beach to look out across the ocean.
(Don't worry, no need to be jealous, it is absolutly FREEZING here!!!!!)


Jennifer said...

YIPPEE, Gwen! Sleep in, enjoy time with Matt & revel in silence, allow God to replenish your soul....ahh!

Willingham13 said...

Enjoy your time at the beach. I will be traveling to San Antonio for this week and will do the same thing. Call and call.

Ivey will continue to be in our prayers.

Hope that we can get together soon.

Love and MIss you!

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

I am soooo Happy to hear the two of you got away. Praise God for grandparents!!!!

Sarah said...

I'm getting here late; you're already home. If it makes you feel better, I finally pulled out a book I bought last July and read a few chapters last night. I couldn't look myself in the mirror otherwise--I was afraid my English degree would vaporize if I didn't at least read something!

I'm praying that sometime soon you have a few minutes where you can read more than three pages. :)

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