
Tad and Lily---- SOS

Meet two of Ivey's most favorite toys on this Earth.  The other is her music cube.  Three toys of preference and the girl likes what she likes - that's it!!  

 However, we have had Tad and Lilyfor several years now and they are finally at their bittersweet end.  She has killed them from playing them so much.  I cannot find them ANYWHERE!!!  So if you have these stashed in the attic somewhere - please send them our way!!  Or if you magically run across them somewhere get them
and I will pay you back. 

These are the small ones that can hang and you just push their little tummies to hear them. 

It took a few years to teach Ivey how to find their tummies to play them all by herself. It took lots of work.  Now I have tried every similar toy out there - she just ignores them or tosses them.  So please help me find these sweet toys!!!   They make her so happy.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I did a quick search on Amazon and found them, just search Learn-along Leap/Lily. Hope that helps and I hope you find some new ones to replace the ones that Ivey has loved to death :)

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